Partonomy list P2F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

medulla spinalis

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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
7647 5138 tax
medulla spinalis
spinal cord
external morphology of spinal cord
74893 5139 tax
intumescentia cervicalis
cervical enlargement
74895 5140 tax
intumescentia lumbosacralis
lumbosacral enlargement
74897 5141 tax
conus medullaris
medullary cone ; conus medullaris
83798 5145 tax
sulcus medianus posterior ; sulcus medianus dorsalis
posterior median sulcus ; dorsal median sulcus
77437 5146 tax
septum medianum posterius ; septum medianum dorsale
posterior median septum ; dorsal median septum
75609 5148 tax
sulcus posterolateralis (par) ; sulcus dorsolateralis (par)
posterolateral sulcus (pair) ; dorsolateral sulcus (pair)
83799 5149 tax
sulcus intermedius posterior (par) ; sulcus intermedius dorsalis (par)
posterior intermediate sulcus (pair) ; dorsal intermediate sulcus (pair)
79877 5147 tax
sulcus anterolateralis (par) ; sulcus ventrolateralis (par)
anterolateral sulcus (pair) ; ventrolateral sulcus (pair)
83735 5144 tax
fissura mediana anterior ; fissura mediana ventralis
anterior median fissure ; ventral median fissure
71166 5151 tax
pars cervicalis medullae spinalis
cervical part of spinal cord
256653 7985 tax
segmenta cervicalia medullae spinalis
cervical segments of spinal cord
71179 7986 tax
segmentum cervicale 1
cervical segment 1
71180 7987 tax
segmentum cervicale 2
cervical segment 2
71181 7988 tax
segmentum cervicale 3
cervical segment 3
71182 7989 tax
segmentum cervicale 4
cervical segment 4
71183 7990 tax
segmentum cervicale 5
cervical segment 5
71184 7991 tax
segmentum cervicale 6
cervical segment 6
71185 7993 tax
segmentum cervicale 7
cervical segment 7
71186 7994 tax
segmentum cervicale 8
cervical segment 8
71167 5152 tax
pars thoracica medullae spinalis
thoracic part of spinal cord
71167 7995 tax
segmenta thoracica medullae spinalis
thoracic segments of spinal cord
62421 7996 tax
segmentum thoracicum 1
thoracic segment 1
62422 7997 tax
segmentum thoracicum 2
thoracic segment 2
71169 7999 tax
segmentum thoracicum 3
thoracic segment 3
71170 8001 tax
segmentum thoracicum 4
thoracic segment 4
71171 8003 tax
segmentum thoracicum 5
thoracic segment 5
71172 8004 tax
segmentum thoracicum 6
thoracic segment 6
71173 8005 tax
segmentum thoracicum 7
thoracic segment 7
71174 8007 tax
segmentum thoracicum 8
thoracic segment 8
71175 8008 tax
segmentum thoracicum 9
thoracic segment 9
71176 8010 tax
segmentum thoracicum 10
thoracic segment 10
71177 8011 tax
segmentum thoracicum 11
thoracic segment 11
71178 8012 tax
segmentum thoracicum 12
thoracic segment 12
71168 5153 tax
pars lumbalis medullae spinalis
lumbar part of spinal cord
8013 tax
segmenta lumbalia medullae spinalis
lumbar segments of spinal cord
71187 8015 tax
segmentum lumbale 1
lumbar segment 1
71188 8016 tax
segmentum lumbale 2
lumbar segment 2
71189 8017 tax
segmentum lumbale 3
lumbar segment 3
71190 8018 tax
segmentum lumbale 4
lumbar segment 4
71191 8019 tax
segmentum lumbale 5
lumbar segment 5
256663 5154 tax
pars sacralis medullae spinalis
sacral part of spinal cord
8020 tax
segmenta sacralia medullae spinalis
sacral segments of spinal cord
256625 8021 tax
segmentum sacrale 1
sacral segment 1
256627 8022 tax
segmentum sacrale 2
sacral segment 2
256629 8023 tax
segmentum sacrale 3
sacral segment 3
256631 8024 tax
segmentum sacrale 4
sacral segment 4
256633 8025 tax
segmentum sacrale 5
sacral segment 5
256635 5155 tax
pars coccygea medullae spinalis
coccygeal part of spinal cord
8026 tax
segmenta coccygea medullae spinalis
coccygeal segments of spinal cord
8027 tax
segmentum coccygeum 1
coccygeal segment 1
8028 tax
segmentum coccygeum 2
coccygeal segment 2
8030 tax
segmentum coccygeum 3
coccygeal segment 3
morphologia interna medullae spinalis
internal morphology of spinal cord
256580 5157 tax
substantia grisea medullae spinalis
grey matter of spinal cord ; grey substance of spinal cord ▲
256530 5176 tax
posterior column (pair) ; dorsal column (pair)
5177 tax
cornu posterius (par) ; cornu dorsale (par)
posterior horn (pair) ; dorsal horn (pair)
68862 5179 tax
apex cornus posterioris (par) ; lamina spinalis I (par) ; zona marginalis (par)
apex of posterior horn (pair) ; spinal layer I (pair) ; marginal zone (pair)
caput cornus posterioris (par)
head of posterior horn (pair)
74019 5181 tax
lamina spinalis II (par) ; substantia gelatinosa (par)
spinal layer II (pair) ; gelatinous matter (pair)
73906 5183 tax
lamina spinalis III-IV (par) ; nucleus proprius (par)
spinal layer III-IV (pair) ; nucleus proprius (pair)
68866 5184 tax
cervix cornus posterioris (par) ; lamina spinalis V (par)
neck of posterior horn (pair) ; spinal layer V (pair)
68867 5186 tax
basis cornus posterioris (par) ; lamina spinalis VI (par)
base of posterior horn (pair) ; spinal layer VI (pair)
73909 7821 tax
processus reticularis (par)
reticular process (pair)
73921 5189 tax
nucleus cervicalis lateralis (par)
lateral cervical nucleus (pair)
77022 5191 tax
nucleus spinalis lateralis (par) ; nucleus posterior funiculi lateralis (par)
lateral spinal nucleus (pair) ; posterior nucleus of lateral funiculus (pair)
neura cornus posterioris (par) ; neura cornus dorsalis (par)
neurons of posterior horn (pair) ; neurons of dorsal horn (pair)
interneura cornus posterioris (par) ; interneura cornus dorsalis (par)
interneurons of posterior horn (pair) ; interneurons of dorsal horn (pair)
8002 tax
interneura excitatoria cornus posterioris (par)
excitatory interneurons of posterior horn (pair)
7824 tax
cellulae centrales transientes laminae spinalis II (par)
transient central cells of spinal layer II (pair)
7825 tax
cellulae radiales laminae spinalis II (par)
radial cells of spinal layer II (pair)
7826 tax
cellulae verticales laminae spinalis II (par)
vertical cells of spinal layer II (pair)
8006 tax
interneura inhibitoria cornus posterioris (par)
inhibitory interneurons of posterior horn (pair)
7827 tax
cellulae insulares laminae spinalis II (par)
islet cells laminae spinalis II (pair)
7828 tax
cellulae centrales tonicae laminae spinalis II (par)
tonic central cells of spinal layer II (pair)
7829 tax
interneura inhibitoria Ib basis cornus posterioris (par)
Ib inhibitory interneurons of spinal layer VI (pair)
7830 tax
neura projectionis cornus posterioris (par) ; neura funicularia cornus posterioris (par) ; neura projectionis cornus dorsalis (par); neura funiculare cornus dorsalis (par)
projection neurons of dorsal horn (pair); funicular neurons of posterior horn (pair) ; spinal tract neurons of dorsal horn (pair)
7831 tax
neura marginalia apicis cornus posterioris (par)
marginal neurons of apex of posterior horn (pair)
cellulae originis tractus spinocervicalis (par)
cells of origin of spinocervical tract (pair)
cellulae originis tractus spinoreticularis (par)
cells of origin of spinoreticular tract (pair)
cellulae originis tractus spinomesencephalici (par)
cells of origin of spinomesencephalic tract (pair)
cellulae originis tractus spinothalamici (par)
cells of origin of spinothalamic tract (pair)
cellulae originis fibrae postsynapticae tractus funiculi posterioris (par)
cells of origin of funicular tract (pair)
8014 tax
neura associationis cornus posterioris (par) ; neura propriospinalia cornus dorsalis (par)
association neurons of dorsal horn (pair); propriospinal neurons of dorsal horn (pair)
7837 tax
neura propriospinalia brevia cervicis cornus posterioris (par)
short propriospinal neurons of neck of posterior horn (pair)
7838 tax
neura propriospinalia brevia basis cornus posterioris (par)
short propriospinal neurons of base of posterior horn (pair)
256536 5192 tax
intermediate column (pair)
zona intermedia (par)
intermediate zone (pair)
68868 5193 tax
lamina spinalis VII (par)
spinal layer VII (pair)
83137 5196 tax
substantia intermedia centralis (par)
central intermediate substance (pair)
73912 5197 tax
nucleus thoracicus posterior (par) ; nucleus thoracicus dorsalis (par)
posterior thoracic nucleus (pair) ; dorsal thoracic nucleus (pair)
77021 5190 tax
nucleus cervicalis centralis (par)
central cervical nucleus (pair)
73918 5199 tax
nucleus intermediomedialis (par)
intermediomedial nucleus (pair)
8029 tax
nucleus intercalatus spinalis (par)
spinal intercalated nucleus (pair)
83928 5198 tax
substantia intermedia lateralis (par)
lateral intermediate substance (pair)
77764 5200 tax
nucleus parasympathicus sacralis (par)
sacral parasympathetic nucleus (pair)
256536 5194 tax
cornu laterale (par)
lateral horn (pair)
73915 5195 tax
nucleus intermediolateralis (par)
intermediolateral nucleus (pair)
pars principalis (par)
principal part (pair)
pars funicularis (par)
funicular part (pair)
centrum ciliospinale (par)
ciliospinal centre (pair)
neura zonae intermediae (par)
neurons of intermediate zone (pair)
interneura zonae intermediae (par)
interneurons of intermediate zone (pair)
7844 tax
interneura excitatoria zonae intermediae (par)
excitatory interneurons of intermediate zone (pair)
7845 tax
interneura inhibitoria zonae intermediae (par)
inhibitory interneurons of intermediate zone (pair)
7846 tax
interneura inhibitoria Ia laminae spinalis VII (par)
Ia inhibitory interneurons of spinal layer VII (pair)
7847 tax
interneura inhibitoria recurrentia laminae spinalis VII (par)
recurrent inhibitory interneurons of spinal layer VII (pair)
7848 tax
neura projectionis zonae intermediae (par) ; neura funicularia zonae intermediae (par)
projection neurons of intermediate zone (pair); funicular neurons of intermediate zone (pair) ; spinal tract neurons of intermediate zone (pair)
7849 tax
cellulae originis tractus spinocerebellaris (par)
cells of origin of spinocerebellar tract (pair)
7850 tax
cellulae originis tractus spinoreticularis (par)
cells of origin of spinoreticular tract (pair)
7851 tax
cellulae originis tractus spinomesencephalici (par)
cells of origin of spinomesencephalic tract (pair)
7852 tax
cellulae originis tractus spinothalamici lateralis (par)
cells of origin of lateral spinothalamic tract (pair)
7853 tax
neura associationis zonae intermediae (par) ; neura propriospinalia zonae intermediae (par)
association neurons of intermediate zone (pair); propriospinal neurons of intermediate zone (pair)
7854 tax
neura propriospinalia brevia laminae spinalis VII (par)
short propriospinal neurons of spinal layer VII (pair)
7855 tax
neura propriospinalia intermedia laminae spinalis VII (par)
intermediate propriospinal neurons of spinal layer VII (pair)
7856 tax
neura propriospinalia longa laminae spinalis VII (par)
long propriospinal neurons of spinal layer VII (pair)
7857 tax
motoneura zonae intermediae (par)
motoneurons of intermediate zone (pair)
7858 tax
motoneura parasympathica spinalia (par) ; motoneura parasympathica spinalia preganglionaria (par)
spinal parasympathetic motoneurons (pair) ; preganglionary spinal parasympathetic motoneurons (pair)
7859 tax
motoneura sympathica spinalia (par) ; motoneura sympathica spinalia preganglionaria (par)
spinal sympathetic motoneurons (pair) ; preganglionary spinal sympathetic motoneurons (pair)
256541 5164 tax
anterior column (pair) ; ventral column (pair)
256541 5165 tax
cornu anterius (par) ; cornu ventrale (par)
anterior horn (pair) ; ventral horn (pair)
68869 7860 tax
lamina spinalis VIII (par)
spinal layer VIII (pair)
68870 7861 tax
lamina spinalis IX (par)
spinal layer IX (pair) ; motor nuclei (pair)
7862 tax
nuclei motorii mediales (par)
medial motor nuclei (pair)
73930 5169 tax
nucleus anteromedialis (par) ; nucleus ventromedialis (par)
anteromedial nucleus (pair) ; ventromedial nucleus (pair)
77015 5172 tax
nucleus posteromedialis (par) ; nucleus dorsomedialis (par)
posteromedial nucleus (pair) ; dorsomedial nucleus (pair)
7863 tax
nuclei motorii laterales (par)
lateral motor nuclei (pair)
77016 5173 tax
nucleus centralis (par)
central nucleus (pair)
77012 5168 tax
nucleus anterior (par) ; nucleus ventralis (par)
anterior nucleus (pair) ; ventral nucleus (pair)
73934 5167 tax
nucleus anterolateralis (par) ; nucleus ventrolateralis (par)
anterolateral nucleus (pair) ; ventrolateral nucleus (pair)
77013 5170 tax
nucleus posterolateralis (par); nucleus dorsolateralis (par)
posterolateral nucleus (pair); dorsolateral nucleus (pair)
77014 5171 tax
nucleus retroposterolateralis (par) ; nucleus retrodorsolateralis (par)
retroposterolateral nucleus (pair) ; retrodorsolateral nucleus (pair)
83965 5174 tax
nucleus nervi accessorii (par)
nucleus of accessory nerve (pair) ; spinal accessory nucleus (pair)
77458 5175 tax
nucleus nervi diaphragmatici (par)
nucleus of diaphragmatic nerve (pair)
77024 5201 tax
nucleus nervi pudendi (par)
nucleus of pudendal nerve (pair)
aggregatio motoneurorum (par)
motoneuron aggregation (pair); motor pool (pair)
neura cornus anterioris (par) ; neura cornus ventralis (par)
neurons of anterior horn (pair) ; neurons of ventral horn (pair)
interneura cornus anterioris (par) ; interneura cornus ventralis (par)
interneurons of anterior horn (pair) ; interneurons of ventral horn (pair)
7867 tax
interneura excitatoria (par)
excitatory interneurons (pair)
7868 tax
interneura inhibitoria (par)
inhibitory interneurons (pair)
7869 tax
neura projectionis cornus anterioris (par) ; neura projectionis cornus ventralis (par)
projection neurons of anterior horn (pair); projection neurons of ventral horn (pair)
7870 tax
cellulae marginales spinales laminae spinalis IX (par)
spinal marginal cells of spinal layer IX (pair)
7871 tax
neura associationis cornus anterioris (par) ; neura associationis cornus ventralis (par) ; neura propriospinalia cornus anterioris (par) ; neura propriospinalia cornus ventralis (par)
association neurons of anterior horn (pair); association neurons of ventral horn (pair); propriospinal neurons of anterior horn (pair) ; propriospinal neurons of ventral horn (pair)
7872 tax
neura propriospinalia longa laminae spinalis VIII (par)
long propriospinal neurons of spinal layer VIII (pair)
7873 tax
motoneura cornus anterioris (par) ; motoneura cornus ventralis (par)
motoneurons of anterior horn (pair) ; motoneurons of ventral horn (pair)
7874 tax
motoneura epaxialia (par)
epaxial motoneurons (pair)
7875 tax
motoneura hypaxialia (par)
hypaxial motoneurons (pair)
7876 tax
motoneura appendicularia (par)
appendicular motoneurons (pair)
83664 7877 tax
motoneura alpha (par)
alpha motoneurons (pair)
7878 tax
motoneura beta (par)
beta motoneurons (pair)
83660 7879 tax
motoneura gamma (par)
gamma motoneurons (pair)
83945 5204 tax
substantia alba medullae spinalis
white matter of spinal cord ; white substance of spinal cord
5241 tax
posterior funiculus (pair) ; dorsal funiculus (pair)
radices centrales funiculi posterioris (par)
central roots of posterior funiculus (pair)
258416 5245 tax
fasciculus gracilis
gracile fasciculus
73941 5246 tax
fasciculus cuneatus
cuneate fasciculus
7886 tax
tractus proprii funiculi dorsalis (par); fasciculi proprii funiculi dorsalis (par); tractus intrinsici funiculi posterioris (par) ; fasciculi intrinsici funiculi posterioris (par)
intrinsic tracts of posterior funiculus (pair) ; propriospinal tracts of dorsal funiculus (pair); ground bundles of dorsal funiculus (pair)
77029 5242 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis posterior ; fasciculus propriospinalis dorsalis
posterior propriospinal fasciculus ; dorsal propriospinal fasciculus ; dorsal ground bundle; posterior ground bundle
77030 5243 tax
fasciculus septomarginalis
septomarginal fasciculus
73944 5244 tax
fasciculus interfascicularis ; fasciculus semilunaris
interfascicular fasciculus ; semilunar fasciculus
fasciculus cornucommissuralis
cornucommissural fasciculus
tractus longi funiculi posterioris (par)
long tracts of posterior funiculus (pair) ; long tracts of dorsal funiculus (pair)
tractus ascendentes funiculi posterioris (par) ; fasciculi ascendentes funiculi dorsalis (par)
ascending tracts of posterior funiculus (pair) ; ascending fasciculi of dorsal funiculus (pair)
5249 tax
fibrae spinocuneatae
spinocuneate fibres
5250 tax
fibrae spinograciles
spinogracile fibres
tractus descendentes funiculi posterioris (par) ; fasciculi descendentes funiculi dorsalis (par)
descending tracts of posterior funiculus (pair) ; descending fasciculi of dorsal funiculus (pair)
5247 tax
fibrae cuneospinales
cuneospinal fibres
5248 tax
fibrae gracilispinales
gracilospinal fibres
fasciculus posterolateralis funiculi posterioris (par) ; fasciculus dorsolateralis funiculi posterioris (par)
posterolateral fasciculus of posterior funiculus (pair) ; dorsolateral fasciculus of posterior funiculus (pair)
zona ingressionis radicis posterioris nervi spinalis (par)
posterior root entry zone (pair)
pars lateralis (par)
lateral part (pair)
pars medialis (par)
medial part (pair)
zona ramificationis radicis posterioris nervi spinalis (par)
branching zone of posterior root of spinal nerve (pair)
zona collateralisationis radicis posterioris nervi spinalis (par)
zone of collateralisation of posterior root of spinal nerve (pair)
fibrae afferentes somatosensoriae
somatosensory afferent fibres
fibrae afferentes proprioceptivae
proprioceptive afferent fibres
fibrae afferentes viscerosensoriae
viscerosensory afferent fibres
74000 5218 tax
lateral funiculus (pair)
tractus proprii (par); tractus intrinsici (par) ; fasciculi propriospinales (par)
intrinsic tracts (pair) ; propriospinal fasciculi (pair) ; ground bundles (pair)
77027 5219 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis lateralis
lateral propriospinal fasciculus ; lateral ground bundle
75696 5238 tax
tractus spinocervicalis
spinocervical tract
tractus longi (par)
long tracts (pair)
tractus ascendentes (par)
ascending tracts (pair)
77766 12531 tax
tractus anterolateralis ; systema anterolaterale ; lemniscus spinalis
anterolateral tract ; anterolateral system ; spinal lemniscus
tractus spinoreticularis
spinoreticular tract
7537 tax
tractus spinoparabrachialis
spinoparabrachial tract
73968 5226 tax
tractus spinomesencephalicus
spinomesencephalic tract
73965 5227 tax
tractus spinothalamicus lateralis
lateral spinothalamic tract
tractus spinohypothalamicus
spinohypothalamic tract
tractus cervicothalamicus
cervicothalamic tract
72643 12547 tax
tractus spinoolivaris
spinoolivary tract
7539 tax
tractus spinovestibularis
spinovestibular tract
7960 tax
tractus spinocerebellares
spinocerebellar tracts
73950 5319 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris posterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis
posterior spinocerebellar tract ; dorsal spinocerebellar tract
72642 5312 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris anterior ; tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis
anterior spinocerebellar tract ; ventral spinocerebellar tract
12058 tax
tractus cuneocerebellaris
cuneocerebellar tract
8419 tax
tractus spinocerebellaris rostralis
rostral spinocerebellar tract
tractus descendentes (par)
descending tracts (pair)
8531 tax
tractus corticospinalis lateralis
lateral corticospinal tract
72640 8481 tax
tractus rubrospinalis
rubrospinal tract
75689 5224 tax
tractus reticulospinalis lateralis ; tractus bulboreticulospinalis
lateral reticulospinal tract ; bulboreticulospinal tract ; medullary reticulospinal tract
75690 8469 tax
tractus fastigiospinalis
fastigiospinal tract
75691 5221 tax
tractus interpositospinalis
interpositospinal tract
tractus caeruleospinalis
caeruleospinal tract ; coeruleospinal tract
77482 8415 tax
tractus hypothalamospinalis
hypothalamospinal tract
8444 tax
tractus raphespinalis lateralis
lateral raphespinal tract
8447 tax
tractus solitariospinalis
solitariospinal tract
75700 5240 tax
tractus trigeminospinalis
trigeminospinal tract
74003 5205 tax
anterior funiculus (pair) ; ventral funiculus (pair)
tractus proprii (par); tractus intrinsici (par) ; fasciculi propriospinales (par)
intrinsic tracts (pair) ; propriospinal fasciculi (pair) ; ground bundles (pair)
77026 5206 tax
fasciculus propriospinalis anterior ; fasciculus propriospinalis ventralis
anterior propriospinal fasciculus ; ventral propriospinal fasciculus ; anterior ground bundle; ventral ground bundle
77028 5207 tax
fasciculus sulcomarginalis
sulcomarginal fasciculus
tractus longi (par)
long tracts (pair)
tractus ascendentes (par)
ascending tracts (pair)
75684 5217 tax
tractus spinothalamicus anterior ; tractus spinothalamicus ventralis
anterior spinothalamic tract ; ventral spinothalamic tract
tractus descendentes (par)
descending tracts (pair)
8530 tax
tractus corticospinalis anterior ; tractus corticospinalis ventralis
anterior corticospinal tract ; ventral corticospinal tract
73974 5318 tax
tractus vestibulospinalis lateralis
lateral vestibulospinal tract
8446 tax
tractus vestibulospinalis medialis
medial vestibulospinal tract
77031 8494 tax
tractus interstitiospinalis
interstitiospinal tract
73986 5212
tractus reticulospinalis medialis ; tractus pontoreticulospinalis
medial reticulospinal tract ; pontoreticulospinal tract ; pontine reticulospinal tract
72620 8480 tax
tractus tectospinalis
tectospinal tract
75686 5310 tax
tractus raphespinalis anterior ; tractus raphespinalis ventralis
anterior raphespinal tract ; ventral raphespinal tract
77765 5251
central cord structures
68871 5252 tax
area spinalis X
spinal area X
77038 5253
commissura grisea anterior ; commissura grisea ventralis
anterior grey commissure ; ventral grey commissure
77037 5254
commissura grisea posterior ; commissura grisea dorsalis
posterior grey commissure ; dorsal grey commissure
77035 5255 tax
commissura alba anterior ; commissura alba ventralis
anterior white commissure ; ventral white commissure
77034 5256 tax
commissura alba posterior ; commissura alba dorsalis
posterior white commissure ; dorsal white commissure
78497 5156 tax
canalis centralis medullae spinalis
central canal of spinal cord
78498 5143 tax
ventriculus terminalis
terminal ventricle
232 lines
62.9 %
61.6 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The dorsal horn consists of layer I to layer VI, including the sensory layers I-IV and the mixed layers V and VI (VI only present in the intumescences) as advocated in TA and by Sengul G, Watson C (2012) Spinal cord: regional anatomy, cytoarchitecture and chemoarchitecture. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 186-232. Layers I and II form the superficial dorsal horn, and layers III to VI the deep dorsal horn. The intermediate zone is interpreted as layer VII only, and the ventral horn consists of the layer VIII and layer IX.
See note # 19735
For the Reticulospinal tracts various terms are used in the literature. Following the study on human reticulospinal fibres by Nathan PW, Smith MC, Deacon P (1996 Vestibulospinal, reticulospinal and descending propriospinal nerve fibres in man. Brain 119:1809-1833), here, a simplified subdivision into a Lateral (from The Myelencephalon) and a Medial reticulospinal tract (from the Pons) is advocated.
Nathan and Smith described the Propriospinal fasciculi as Posterior or Dorsal, Lateral, and Anterior or Ventral Ground bundles (Nathan PW, Smith MC 1959 Fasciculi proprii of the spinal cord in man. Brain 82:610-668). The term Fasciculus septomarginalis (Septomarginal fasciculus) is used for: 1) the Oval bundle of Flechsig, present at lumbar levels; and 2) the Triangle of Philippe-Gombault, present at sacral levels (see Schoenen J, Grant G 2004 The spinal cord: Connections. In: Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 236-265). The term Fasciculus interfascicularis is also known as the Comma tract of Schultze, present at cervical and high thoracic levels. According to Nathan and Smith (1959), the Comma tract consists of descending divisions of the cervical and upper thoracic dorsal roots. The Fasciculus cornucommissuralis is present throughout the cord, best developed at lumbar levels; situated along the medial side of the posterior grey column abutting the posterior commissure. It consists of ipsilaterally running propriospinal fibres (see Schoenen and Grant 2004).
See note # 5242
See note # 5242
See note # 24664
According to Kuypers HGJM (1981, Anatomy of the descending pathways. Chapter 13 in Hb Physiol, The Nervous System II. American Physiological Society, Bethesda, MD), propriospinal neurons, the intermediates between descending pathways and spinal motoneurons, can be subdivided into three groups: 1) Short propriospinal neurons with cell bodies located in the lateral parts of Laminae V-VII, with a range of 6-8 segments; 2) Intermediate propriospinal neurons with cell bodies mainly in the central part of Lamina VII, and axons extending over a subtotal number of cord segments (C>L; Th>S); 3) Long propriospinal neurons with cell bodies in the medial part of Lamina VII and in Lamina VIII, and extending over the whole extent of spinal cord segments.
A Tractus spinohypothalamicus (Spinohypothalamic tract) has been characterized functionally in monkeys (Zhang X, Wenk HN, Gokin AP, et al. 1999 Physiological studies of spinohypothalamic tract neurons in the lumbar enlargement of monkeys. J Neurophysiol 82:1054-1058; see also Westlund KN, Willis WD Jr 2012 Pain system. IN: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1144-1186).
In their study on Autonomic neurons in the spinal cord, Petras JM, Cummings JF (1972 Autonomic neurons in the spinal cord of the rhesus monkey. J Comp Neurol 146:189-218) described the Nucleus intercalatus spinalis (Spinal intercalated nucleus) and subdivided the Nucleus intermediolateralis (Intermediolateral nucleus) into a Principal part and a Funicular part, extending into the Lateral funiculus.
For the Tractus spinoolivaris (Spino-olivary tract) as eponym Helweg's tract is used. Smith and Deacon (Smith MC, Deacon P 1981 Helweg's triangular tract in man. Brain 104:249-277) denied that Helweg's tract contains spino-olivary fibres; more likely reticulospinal; Helweg's tract can be identified in Weigert-stained sections, but hardly in Luxol-Fast-Blue-stained sections. The term Fibrae olivospinales is deleted (non-existent); they are probably reticulospinal fibres; see Brodal A 1969 Neurological Anatomy in Relation to Clinical Medicine, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, New York).
Type of list P2F
List Unit Identifier 5138
Sublist 1 5164 columna anterior 95/32 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 2 5176 columna posterior 89/30 on 15.4.2018
Error in sublist Found children 92 Found units 31
Sublist 3 5192 columna intermedia 98/33 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 4 5205 funiculus anterior 24/15 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 5 5218 funiculus lateralis 40/31 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 6 5241 funiculus posterior 48/25 on 8.7.2019
Sublist 7 5251 structura centralis 7/8 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 8 7982 morphologia externa 58/53 on 17.4.2019
Subtotals subchildren 459 subunits 227
Proper children 11
Invalid number of children Found children: 473
Check Sublist children: 459
Proper units 4
Invalid number of units Found units: 231
Check Found units: 227
Signature 4749 (validated since 31.12.2021)
Date: 17.03.2025